Sewing 101: Using a Sewing Machine

Learn how to use a sewing machine! Bring your own or borrow one of ours. Skills taught include how to…

Jennifer Nagle

2020 Charitable Contributions

TL:dr:: New tax law lets everyone deduct $300 in donations. This will really help i3 and other small charities. Donate…

Mel Gilchrist

Simple hack for a quiet morning

I usually see big, wacky, catchy projects on blogs like these.  Well I’m here to remind you that small, commonplace,…


Ham Radio Mobile Install

Preamble I am a simple girl. I like little cars. I like sporty cars. I like putting my foot down…


Miniature Paint a Long: The Child

Do you want to paint a 3D printed baby alien with an optional Santa hat?  Of course you do.  Then…
