Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20220517

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Minutes for 2022-05-17

Meeting Location

Meeting was Called to Order At: 19:35 by Jamie


Virtual Meeting Etiquette

  • Be excellent.
  • Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
  • Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
  • If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
  • If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
  • Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.

Officer Reports

Treasurer & Budget

March P&L: March P&L

March Operating Inc: March Operating

April P&L: April P&L

April Operating Inc: April Operating

Bank balance $75,509.80
Emergency Fund ($30,000.00)
Allocated to Zones/SIGs/etc. ($26,213.77)
Allocated to Expansion (MEDC) ($22,029.79)
Allocated for other (lawyer) ($1,000.00)
Net ($3,723.76)

  • Overall a net loss.
  • We either need more members, or higher dues as the revenue in isn't enough to cover ongoing expenses.
  • Add a premium member tier with no benefits? Would make more sense to just add a donation as it would qualify for tax deduction.
  • Use some space as a reservable spot. Possibly the space in the old machine shop after things move out. Would probably take a couple weekends to get everything moved and wired up.
  • Current Zone Funds Balances as of 30 April: Media:Chart_for_May_Board_Meeting.pdf
    • Should we rescind any of the existing zone budget if it wasn't spent yet?
    • Some of these funds have existed for some time.
    • The current policy has been to allocate to the zone, and then leave the spending details up to the zone coordinator.
    • Remove the money allocated for Maker Faire and other things that are not going to happen?
    • Reduce most of the activities and classes. Save some
    • Evan: Machine shop general fund is now set to $0
    • How much is left in zones that have moved already. Can they return some of it? Woodshop and CNC are candidates.


  • Should be available for June meetings.


  • None

Senior Vice President

  • None

VP of Activities & Classes

VP of Membership-Onboarding

Membership status as of 1-May (Delta 1-April to 1-May)

  • Scholarship: 11 (+2)
  • Hiatus: 122 (No Change)
  • Onboarding: 104 (+4)
  • Member: 145 (+1)
  • Left: 58 (No Change)
  • Also have two applications in phase 1 and another 2 in phase 2 that will be processed tonight!

Scholarship Fund

  • 12 Members on scholarship
  • $588 Allocated (30.8% available)
  • Average value of $49.00/scholar

Other News

  • Slow trickle of people joining/coming back continues
  • Door system instability causing some issues and confusion
    • Causes some keys to only work in one of the two doors. A-Side drops Wi-Fi and then doesn't know about new keys.
    • Planning to update software and an antenna to try and get things working better.

Member Advocate

  • Very active this month with many reports, but it was all related to the recent ban.

Committee Reports

Fundraising Committee

  • Did not meet. Should probably go on hiatus for a bit unless we want to start focusing efforts here.

Safety & Compliance Committee

  • No update.
  • Reports only expected in July.

Moderation Committee

Old Business

Camera Review Review

  • 2022-04-25: Tried to review welding, but camera views were not helpful.

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

  • board channel
    • mention of David's dad passing.
    • Short mention of office furnace repair - no followup on repair and right now, should maybe hold off.
    • Also, Rick resigned. Should he be replaced, who and when.
    • Discussion about number of board members. How many.
    • Proposal to ban a member. Discussion about special meeting to ban. Need to announce or not. Discussion about who will take minutes at special meeting.
  • board and advocate channel
    • board and advocates discussed a harassment situation and options and whether to ban the member.
  • leadership channel
    • discussion about furnace repair and what was approved to spend on repair and who was volunteering to follow through on repair. And that furnace repair looks like it's our responsibility vs the landlord.
    • It was discussed who would be taking minutes at May member meeting, in case secretary was unavailable. And then when they would be posted.
    • Items of discussion related to banning the member recently. Updating the banned list.

Outstanding action items

Action Item: Paul - Tour training class. Will schedule for this week and also at the next in person tours.
Action Item: Matt - Draft email about Rick resigning the board, Advocate appointments, and mention that we need a Treasurer.
Action Item: Mark - Send email / put on member meeting agenda to pull the elections forward a month, so that the directors are known more than a week before the paperwork needs to get filed with the state.
Action Item: Paul - Send email or add a discussion topic for the next member meeting about the number of board members for the next term.
Action Item: Evan - Fix the front office heat in September.
Action Item: Jan - Figure out all of the rules needed for resrveable storage if we decide to do it.
Action Item: Jamie - Send emails to each of the zones to confirm what purchases
Action Item: Evan - Check with Woodshop and CNC about returning expansion funds.

New Business

Banned Member Photos

  • Do we have pictures of banned members? If not, how do members know if we're letting in someone we shouldn't if they have not met some of these individuals.

Member Advocates

  • Alec is willing to be a backup advocate.
  • Doesn't have time to be primary but will help out.
  • How do we accomplish this and be transparent about things.
    • Add Alec to the list, and if there are too many things we can adjust later.

Appoint Alec as a Member Advocate
Moved by Jan, Seconded by Evan
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS


Remove $1052.99 form activities and classes budget allocation.
Moved by Even, Seconded by Mark
0 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS


Action Item Summary

Action ItemPOC
Draft email about Rick resigning the board, Advocate appointments, and mention that we need a Treasurer.Matt
Check with Woodshop and CNC about returning expansion funds.Evan
Send email / put on member meeting agenda to pull the elections forward a month, so that the directors are known more than a week before the paperwork needs to get filed with the state.Mark
Tour training class. Will schedule for this week and also at the next in person tours.Paul
Send emails to each of the zones to confirm what purchasesJamie
Fix the front office heat in September.Evan
Send email or add a discussion topic for the next member meeting about the number of board members for the next term.Paul
Figure out all of the rules needed for resrveable storage if we decide to do it.Jan

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Remove $1052.99 form activities and classes budget allocation.EvenMark00PASS
Appoint Alec as a Member AdvocateJanEvan50PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 20:59
  • Funds appropriated: -$1052.99
  • Attendees: 10


  1. Jamie
  2. David
  3. Jan
  4. Matt
  5. Mel
  6. Mike
  7. Evan
  8. Mark
  9. Paul
  10. Drew

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Board Meeting Minutes 20220419 Board Meeting Minutes 20220621