Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20250218
![]() | This is an agenda, the meeting minutes have not been put online yet. |
Agenda for 2025-02-18
Meeting Location
Meeting was Called to Order At: 19:33
i3 Detroit 1481A Wordsworth St. Ferndale, MI 48220
Pre-Meeting Preparation
- Check mailbox for mail (bills, letters, etc.)
Virtual Meeting Etiquette
- Be excellent.
- Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
- Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
- If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
- If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
- Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.
Officer Reports
Treasurer & Budget
Bank balance EOM | (includes $25,000 Grant in April) |
Jan | $14,129.88 |
Feb | $10,899.90 |
Mar | $10,672.09 |
Apr | $36,102.06 Net $11,102.06 |
May | $31,440.27 Net $6,440.27 |
Jun | $33,397.93 Net $8,397.93 |
Jul | $34,309.93 Net $9,309.93 |
Aug | $33,626.54 Net $8,626.54 |
Sept | $22,792.57 Net $12,770.16. Grant balance remaining $10,022.41 after CNC purchase |
Oct | $24,432.28 Net $14,409.87. |
Nov | $21,519.24 Net $11,672.21. Two rent checks (~5300) hitting in same month due to transition to EFT for rent payments |
Dec | $22,826.76 Net $13,306.28. |
Jan | $22,607.51 Net $13,087.03. |
Savings Balance | $55,046 |
- Bottom is most recent and the top is oldest
- Total Expansion cost in CY2024 $12,469.43.
Approved budgets 2025
- Electronics lab $7000
Delinquent Dues
- 109 Accounts reviewed.
- 90 dunning emails sent.
- 37 responses - mostly confirming quitting i3.
- Collected approximately $4500 in back dues so far and an unknown number of reinstated monthly dues.
- CRM fixed to correct annual billing to $705 vs old $649.
- Membership terminations will begin early March (30 days) with final notice to membership.
- Terminations will start after 30 day notices
- Will storage clear-out happen after they are terminated?
- You can remove stuff from storage immediately after membership termination. The stuff will be taken to the graveyard and be given a parking ticket. There is 7 days after parking ticket until it is considered abandoned property.
- People who are no longer members may get an individual email about their storage
- Attendance taking at meetings
- Deputy secretaries
- Availability is changing since got a job offer
- Special thanks to Jeremy for jumping in as needed!
Senior Vice President
- Looking at i3 insurance policies, truing to ensure appropriate coverage
- Still info gathering, no quotes at this time
- Will keep everybody in the loop as he continues the process
- Looking at liability and directors and officers coverage
VP of Membership
VP of Activities & Classes
Upcoming Events
FEB Events
16 Feb 2025 i3 member only event: Craft/Art/Vinyl Office hours Event Password: i3Craft! [1]
20 Feb 2025 Kicad PCB Workshop (Classroom) Rescheduled
21 i3 Member event: Stop the Bleed
22 Feb 2025 <a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bookbinding-swap-meet-work-day-tickets-1097452492949?aff=oddtdtcreator" target="_blank">Bookbinding Swap Meet & Work Day- EventBrite</a>
28 Feb 2025 Still Life Art 2025
13 Feb 2025 Kicad PCB Workshop (Classroom)
14 Feb 2025 Leather Lounge Fridays
28 Feb 2025 Still Life Art 2025
MAR Events
8 Mar 2025 EMPUG Python Meetup (Classroom)\
9 Mar 2025 SEMCO Tech Meeting
13 March 2025 Kicad PCB Workshop (Classroom) Rescheduled
15 March 2025 Robot Combat- Class Rooms, Commons, any open space.
28 March 2025 Still Life Art 2025
29 March 2025 i3Detroit Expansion buildout day: Sewing & Craft rooms, Elab exterior
29 March 2025 POTLUCK
- There is a potluck discussion on slack to help plan this
- Looking for somebody to assist in April for Penguicon event planning
- What's the etiquette of blocking off the common area?
- Would like to hold a "Dance Hell" for a couple of hours
- Commons are open for everybody, so you'd have to share
- Maybe it's not necessary for most events to be listed on here. Member meetings should cover the majority of events
- We will target to only include large meetings that require portions of the space (like robotics) or important meeting like potlucks
Member Advocate
Pulse Check
This is a reminder to check if any officer provided no report in three consecutive board meetings. If so, at this point in the Board meeting, we add an item to the subsequent Member Meeting agenda, to call for nominations or volunteers for the Board to appoint to that office at next month's Board meeting.
Committee Reports
Fundraising Committee
Safety & Compliance Committee
No update.
Reports only expected in July.
Moderation Committee
Old Business
Prior Minutes
- Motion:
Motion to approve January special meeting minutes
Moved by Jeff B; Seconded by Paul A
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: Pass
- Motion:
Motion to approve last months minutes
Moved by Tim C; Seconded by Jeff B
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: Pass
Camera Review Review
Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting
- There was discussion of Semco and how we handle that. They wanted to pay member dues. They want to have one of their members get a membership so they can use the space.
- Mary Lorez will champion the glass zone
Outstanding action items
- Looking into getting a Knox box
- Jan was going to send an email to try to get the fundraising committee up and running
- Establish a "Business Operations" center somewhere in the space with records including files for passwords, login procedures, etc
- Dug the file cabinet out of B-side that was supposed tore for that purpose. Have the code to get into that for the board 24-25. The key is in the lockbox. The cabinet will need a home in the space, ideally A-side to avoid dust.
- There are concerns about financial information being too widely available. It should be a limit number of people beyond co-treasurers. Alicia and Tim will have access to storage codes and maybe 1 or 2 other people. There should be a system for succession.
- Could look into a password manager. They also have recovery mechanisms. But they add a large level of complexity. Could look into other solutions
- Establish a disciplinary committee and talk to Matt H about chairing it
- It is important
- The committee would have to be approved with the board
- Table until next meeting
- Progress on looking through past due membership dues
- Completed.
- Search for and implement a new CRM for i3
- Jeff talked to Frank (last point of contact). Getting started on getting a wiki page setup. Jeff will start pushing on this. There's been a lot of discussion in the CRM channel and the board channel on who will be responsible.
- Jeff is looking for the last point of contact with the CRM company
- Funds were approved months ago
New Business
Allocate $500 to Repair the Exhaust Vent above the new Sewing Zone. Designate a project coordinator for this repair. (Proposed by Hans C.)
The Exhaust vent above the new sewing zone has been leaking for some time. In November, two attempts were made to repair it 1. Fixing the Louve Spring (Exhibit B); and 2. Adding Sealant (Exhibit B). Despite these attempts, the leak still exists (Exhibit C). Andrew and I inspected the rooftop and we’ve determined that the exhaust vent’s mechanism is too badly aged and need to be replaced entirely (Exhibit D). Costs: Based on a quick search, a replacement exhaust vent will cost about ~$250 (Exhibit E). Additional materials will be required to remove and attach the new exhaust vent.
EXHIBIT A: 5 November 2025 Repair Attempt 1 – Louve Spring (https://i3detroit.slack.com/archives/C06J2UXHS/p1731276665578789)
EXHIBIT B: 5 November 2025 Repair Attempt 2 – Sealant (https://i3detroit.slack.com/archives/C04P3H7HJ/p1730864331952489?thread_ts=1730849510.906269&cid=C04P3H7HJ )
EXHIBIT C: 10 November 2025 – Leak Still not fixed (https://i3detroit.slack.com/archives/C06J2UXHS/p1731276665578789 )
EXHIBIT D: 31 January 2025 ( https://i3detroit.slack.com/archives/C06J2UXHS/p1738340773338499 )
Moved by Paul, Seconded by Alex
4 Ayes / 1 Nays
Result: Pass
- Tim, Paul, Jeremy, Alex vote Aye. Jeff B votes Nay.
Motion to modify the above proposal to say "Allocate $500 to Repair the Exhaust Vent above the new Sewing Zone. Designate Hans C as project coordinator for this repair. The approval for funds will expire after 6 months."
Moved by Paul A; Seconded by Jeff B
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
The existing policy is that users should pay per item used. The proposal is to replace this policy (members use what they need). If you resupply it, you can be reimbursed by submitting a reimbursement request. (Proposed by Hans C.)
Recently, there was a discussion in Slack regarding disposable cups. Alicia Chapman (Vending) discussed this with me on 17 February 2024. She doesn’t believe that plates and silverware are part of her zone. She’s already burdened with acquiring drinks and food; the additional work of acquiring and accounting for disposable plates & silverware is too much. She noted that extra work is needed to handle the change; she’s already tried to reduce her work by only using quarters; nickels and dimes add to her work. There’s a risk that people will improperly raid the vending’s money for these items. Also, having disposable plates & silverware is also great for the space as it raises the member morale, engagement, cohesion, and productivity. It’s a small expense compared to the benefit it provides. EXHIBIT A: 9 February 2025 Discussion Regarding Consumables (https://i3detroit.slack.com/archives/C8FAFQZED/p1739113040243319 )
Moved by none; Seconded by none
0 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: Tabled
- The idea is the common fund just pays for it instead of vending
- Common supplies on shopping list: somebody will get stuff we are out of and will get reimbursed
- Operationally, it will just be included in the shopping list
- The misunderstanding is that maybe there is a reimbursement mechanism in place currently. Perhaps it's just removing the sticker from the plates and plastics.
- We don't know what the existing policy is. There is no ability to trace this.
- Discussion devolves into talking about vending machines and whether there is a zone for them
Motion to table this proposal for a future meeting
Moved by Tim C; Seconded by Jeff B
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Approve Funding in the amount of $218 for 2 First Aid Kits. The points of contact will be Andrew Youmans and Thomas Burns. The timeframe will be 60 days. (Proposed by Thomas) (https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/Firstaid)
The first aid kids have been gone through and expired things removed, in addition, with the 2 Additional First Aid Boxes we need to restock.
Then there will be 3 lots in the space.
2 Kits need to be placed after consideration of best position- Please discuss.
Estimated Cost: $218 EXHIBIT A: First Aid Kit review and item and replacement cost.(https://www.i3detroit.org/wi/images/8/8a/2025_Feb_First_Aid_Supplies_for_the_Space.xlsx)
EXHIBIT B: Notes from Andrew Y about kits (https://www.i3detroit.org/wi/images/9/9b/2025_Feb_First_Aid_Supply_request_and_Locations.docx )Moved by Jeff B, Seconded by Paul A
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: Pass
- Conversation about needing to amend our bylaws and standing rules for members in good standing.
- For next board meeting, try to talk about the bylaws
- Broader discussion of what this board would like to accomplish
Action Item Summary
Action Item | POC |
Will circulate some messages to get started on changing rules and bylaws | Tim C |
Remove 10 day notice note from bottom of board meeting template | Daniel V |
Jan was absent this meeting so table this for the next one | Jan |
Proposal Summary
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
Allocate $500 to Repair the Exhaust Vent above the new Sewing Zone. Designate a project coordinator for this repair. (Proposed by Hans C.) | Paul | Alex | 4 | 1 | Pass |
Approve Funding in the amount of $218 for 2 First Aid Kits. The points of contact will be Andrew Youmans and Thomas Burns. The timeframe will be 60 days. (Proposed by Thomas) (https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/Firstaid) | Jeff B | Paul A | 5 | 0 | Pass |
The existing policy is that users should pay per item used. The proposal is to replace this policy (members use what they need). If you resupply it, you can be reimbursed by submitting a reimbursement request. (Proposed by Hans C.) | none | none | 0 | 0 | Tabled |
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 20:59
- Funds appropriated: $718
- Attendees: 10
- Chair: Matt A
- Secretary: Daniel V
- Tim C
- Jeff B
- Paul A
- Alex T
- Jeremy G
- Hans C
- Thomas B
- AJ
Previous Meeting | Next Meeting |
Board Meeting Minutes 20250130 Special | Board Meeting Minutes 20250318 |