Minutes:Covid Policy Meeting Minutes 20200831

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Minutes for 08-31-2020

Chair: Jamie

Meeting Location


Meeting was Called to Order At: 1938

Old Business

Completed Action Items

  • Action Item|Jamie|Change EO numbers in the standing rules
  • Action Item|Que|Create mirror pages of Covid Policy to start re-writes
  • Action Item|Committee|Remove explicit rules for cleaning surfaces/washing hands and replace with guidelines
  • Action Item|Mike|Troubleshoot Mel's form so that the calendar updates work
  • Action Item|Jamie|Add "Conflicts at the space due to Covid rules" as topic for next committee meeting
  • Action Item|Jamie|Add "New members, tours & public guests" to next committee meeting
  • Action Item|Jamie|Add "Occupancy Limits" to next committee meeting
  • Action Item|Jamie|Add "Website/wiki check" to recurring topics on next committee meeting

Minors as guests


  • Minor waiver has wording issues, and also needs to be made electronic
  • Policy all ready from a previous member meeting, but was tabled. May be superseded by general rules re-write
Action Item: Jamie - Post proposed minor waiver changes to covid-policy slack for committee buy-in
  • Further progress tied to finalizing the wording.
  • Mel, would still like more feed back on wording. But this was brought up in the CRM Tsar meeting. It was figured out how best make it work with the back end data base. Someone needs to build a web form to hold the waiver info and tie it to the CRM.

Work Schedules


  • Google form option can now be operated by both Mike and Mel
  • It was tested once for someone who wanted more anonymity and worked ok for that purpose, but hackily.
  • Do we want to continue to try to use the google form for scheduling? Combine it with health screening form?

Conflicts at the space due to Covid Rules


  • It's more likely for people to feel uncomfortable with other people's behaviors at the space due to Covid concerns
  • Allowing other activities besides manufacturing activities inherently will create conflict
  • Normal process for escalating member disputes still applies, but people may need to be reminded about it
  • Writing up guidelines about what is acceptable behavior may be helpful, but adding more rules would not be helpful

New members, tours & public guests


  • Membership blurb updated on website
  • Friday night tours have happened a couple times virtually

Occupancy Limits


  • Currently at 10, it could be changed to 20 and still be ~50% capacity, but the max occupancy over the last month is like 4 people at any one time
  • B-side has its own occupancy limit, so if we use both parts of the space, the occupancy limit could potentially be higher

New Business

Recurring New Business

  • Committee member changes
    • None
  • New executive orders
    • 174 is the latest EO published. No changes that effect i3.
  • Wiki/website check
    • Change to new member / onboarding section.

Rules Rewrite


  • Allows other activities besides manufacturing
  • Removes explicit rules for cleaning surfaces/washing hands and replaces with guidelines

Draft Rules

Cleaning Surfaces, Ventilation Improvements, & other creative solutions

Action Item: Committee - Work with ZoCos to commonize zone best practices to not explicitly insist on sanitizing every lightswitch
Action Item: Committee - Start brainstorming ventilation improvement ideas with infrastructure
Action Item: Committee - Work with Commons & classroom ZoCos to move tables & chairs to B-side
Action Item: Committee - Add guidelines in new rules to use B-side/outside for classes/socialization
Action Item: Committee - Investigate ways to physically separate work stations. Ie. OSB or Plexiglass separating the laser stations
Action Item: Mel - Add signage, saying to stay home when sick and proper sneeze etiquette. Location uncertain

New Action Items

Action Item: Mel - ask website channel to add a note on the main i3 webpage that i3 is not open to the general public
Action Item: Que - Turn the covid best practices into a more FAQ
Action Item: Que - Make wiki page for physical response plan with picture, put in colored folder and add to kerbal coat hangar with note to not move.
Action Item: Que - Add sections to best practices for Hand tools, computer use, and sanitation
Action Item: Jamie - Add bullet to the member agreement about how to report unsafe working conditions, and send an email to announce for retroactive training
Action Item: Tabled-Committee - Work with the board to create a new best practices blurb linking to the a board covid disciplinary policy sheet
Action Item: Que - Reformatt zone guidelines to reflect new format
Action Item: Committee - If you have make further revisions to the draft policy document, please inform Slack. The more we do via slack the shorter the next meeting will be.
Action Item: Jamie and Mel - Identify wich EO, refer to specific types of facilities so that they can be better referenced

The next meeting will be on 16Sep1930EDT2020

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed:2012
  • Attendees:

Action Item Summary

Action ItemPOC
Add signage, saying to stay home when sick and proper sneeze etiquette. Location uncertainMel
Make wiki page for physical response plan with picture, put in colored folder and add to kerbal coat hangar with note to not move.Que
Work with ZoCos to commonize zone best practices to not explicitly insist on sanitizing every lightswitchCommittee
Reformatt zone guidelines to reflect new formatQue
Work with Commons & classroom ZoCos to move tables & chairs to B-sideCommittee
Add guidelines in new rules to use B-side/outside for classes/socializationCommittee
Work with the board to create a new best practices blurb linking to the a board covid disciplinary policy sheetTabled-Committee
If you have make further revisions to the draft policy document, please inform Slack. The more we do via slack the shorter the next meeting will be.Committee
Start brainstorming ventilation improvement ideas with infrastructureCommittee
Add bullet to the member agreement about how to report unsafe working conditions, and send an email to announce for retroactive trainingJamie
Post proposed minor waiver changes to covid-policy slack for committee buy-inJamie
ask website channel to add a note on the main i3 webpage that i3 is not open to the general publicMel
Investigate ways to physically separate work stations. Ie. OSB or Plexiglass separating the laser stationsCommittee
Add sections to best practices for Hand tools, computer use, and sanitationQue
Identify wich EO, refer to specific types of facilities so that they can be better referencedJamie and Mel
Turn the covid best practices into a more FAQQue

Proposal Summary

No proposals.


  1. Jamie
  2. Que
  3. Mel
  4. Mike
  5. William
  6. Ashley