EL Wire Class – 12/10 @ 7pm

Do you know what EL Wire (Electroluminescent Wire) is?  If so, have you ever used it in a project?  If you answered no to any of these questions, you need to check out this class at i3 Detroit.

Matt Switlik will be teaching a class on how to use EL Wire in projects as well as walking everyone through a hands on demo of your very own light up hat.

The class will be taught on Friday December 10th, 2010 at 7pm.  There will be a material fee of $35 dollars for the hat kit which includes everything you need to make the hat.  If you would like to bring your own object to add EL Wire to the power supply will be $10 and the wire will be available in white (pictured on the left) and pink for $2 per foot.

Please RSVP with this link – http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1110943863

Get a head start on the class by watching these soldering EL Wire and Attaching EL Wire videos.  Also check out the excellent EL Wire write up by LadyAda.
