Categories: Events

Electric Auto Show, Lockpicking, and a special assignment

Busy day today! At least a few of us are headed down to Schoolcraft College for the Michigan Electric Auto Association‘s car show, which should need no further explanation.

This evening’s big event is the recreational lockpicking class, taught by PS:One‘s own Eric Michaud. The event is scheduled to start at 6, but there’s absolutely no harm in arriving earlier. Doors should be open by 5, follow our Twitter to confirm.  (Or just check that little “the space is open/closed” box in the sidebar.)

Oh yes, that special assignment? It’s for students of tonight’s class:

If you don’t have picks (or even if you do), swing by your local auto parts store and pillage their bin of used windshield wipers! The steel blade-stiffening strips therein can be made into DIY picks pretty easily, and what’s more useful than learning to pick locks? Learning to pick locks with improvised tools, of course!

Nate Bezanson: