Futel Project Presentation @ i3Detroit, Oct 15th, 4 pm

Please attend the presentation by Karl Anderson describing the Futel project.

Location: i3Detroit
Saturday October 15th, 4 pm

Public welcome
Futel: An Immobile Phone Company

Futel appears to be nothing more than a collection of payphones installed in public locations, no different than the phones found on any street corner. Except these ones are being installed, not removed. And they work, usually, and they’re free. And if the caller doesn’t have a human to interact with, one might be provided.

Find out what we hope to achieve by starting a free telephone network. In addition to discussing the struggles of putting phones on the street, we will describe our spiritual ancestry from phone phreaks to mail artists to fare evaders, and our reasons for creating useful and nonuseful devices out of discarded junk.
Speaker bio:

Karl Anderson is an experimenter who is good at thinking up projects but bad at predicting whether or not they will be practical. With C.H.U.N.K. 666, he has constructed amphibious human-powered vehicles out of trash. With the Church of Robotron, he has built a skill testing and training facility, indoctrination center, and reading room to reinforce the post-apocalyptic survival tenets of a coin-operated video game.

More Info:


James O'Dell: