Maker Faire Detroit is coming up fast!

Two bits of Maker Faire news to share. First, it looks like i3 Detroit will be hosting the official Maker Faire afterparty. Details to follow, but the murmurs I hear from the planning team are interesting indeed.

Second, an email went out from Maker Faire yesterday:

The Maker Faire Detroit Call for Makers has been extended to accommodate the tremendous response we have received from groups and individual Makers! You now have until Friday, June 15th to complete your application or start the process.

Thanks to all the Makers that have already completed their applications, we have been accepting applications weekly. We will be sending the Maker Manual with all the information you need as well as the agreement in the next couple of weeks. Once you sign and return that agreement to us, we will place you in the Faire.

All applications must be submitted no later than 5 pm Friday, June 15, 2012. http://www.makerfairedetroit.com/call-for-makers/

 Thanks and we’ll see you soon!

The Maker Faire Detroit Team

So if you were previously unaware (as I was) of the closing date, there you have it! Another week to put the finishing touches on the project…

Nate Bezanson: