Categories: News

RBC- Dawn of the Final Day

A lot has happened in the past day-ish;

The team is really enjoying the sights that NYC has to offer.

Matt and Marie on the subway!

A lot of public transit was involved; working with mission control to find items that they were lacking.


Big decisions were made, and many items were purchased to build the creation. (nice clipboard!)

Our team was up for the majority of night going “balls-to-the-wall” trying to make the coolest and most interesting musical instrument that anyone has ever seen.

Of course, making friendly with the other teams – giving off that Dirty D charm.

Cliche progress photo–What on earth is going on!? Zip ties are key!


Pulleys! (Damn, bro, your tats look rad!)

Our team is near exhaustion today–and we are all waiting anxiously to see the final product…Win or lose; we are so proud of our team representing Detroit in such a positive way. Displaying the amazing talent that came out of the D speaks volumes of a city that is constantly shed in a negative light. We make cool stuff!

Oh yeah….Matt’s hair is doing just fine! <3
