Robot Knife Fight Development Day (4/1/2012 10am-6pm)

SWiT here. Ted and I have been working on a game we call “Robot Knife Fight”.  It’s 2-4 identical autonomous Arduino powered robots in a 6’x8′ arena.  Their power switches are held in place by a balloon and they have a sharp pointy thing on the other end.  Four robots enter one robot leaves.  All the files concerning the robots will be available on github soon.  We could use help with getting OpenCV in Python (or C) to process images from the camera above the arena.  Robot positions will then be reported to all robots via radio.  This Sunday Ted and I are sitting down with our 2 arenas, 2-4 robots, and as many pots of coffee necessary to make this happen. Stop by if you are curious, want to help, or if you want to compete. We will be at i3Detroit either developing or testing the new arena code from 10am until 6pm Sunday April 1st. Soon after competitors will write code for a randomly chosen robot and see how it does in the arena against the others. If you have questions email me at switlikm@gmail.com.
