Categories: Events

Some police attention…

After some safety-related upgrades to Nick’s cupcake car, some new folks set aside their fears of grave bodily harm long enough to take it for a spin. Fourth in the seat was Russ, i3Detroit’s founder, who was letting some traffic pass when a Royal Oak Police patrol car cruised up…

Filmed at roughly midnight, the video’s a little dark, but the lights in the sprinkles really make the cupcake stand out. The first car (the one we’re all hollering “CAR! CAR!” about) blows right past, and then it gets interesting!

Nate Bezanson:

View Comments (2)

  • 1:08 The rattling sound when I run with the camera is probably the batteries inside it.

    1:53 The sprinkles are powered from a separate battery which is very small, though for night driving they seem to be an important visibility feature so maybe we should beef that up!

    Russ later said the cop was laughing...

  • It looked as if the police cruiser was causing more traffic issues than the cupcake. That run looked alot smoother than previous posts. I hope you guys are getting the support you need, it's a great initiative. Peace from your Canadian friends!