Entries by Nate Bezanson

Coming up: Android, Needlecraft, Lockpicking…

What: Needlecraft Meetup When: Tuesday, 5/24, 7:00pm (Same time as Android, different area.) Who: Open to the public, any skill level is welcome. Knit, crochet, and more. What: Android User Group Meetup When: Tuesday, 5/24, 7:00pm (Same time as needlecraft, different area.) Who: Open to the public, any skill level. Users, developers, iPhone refugees, anyone […]

Open Soda: Saturday 2pm

Yikes, that’s today! Pop down to the space this afternoon and learn about flavorings, colorings, carbonation, and everything else that goes into making your own soda. Taught by our very own Bill Putt, this class will introduce you to the DIY version of a product many of us buy without ever thinking about making it […]

The space is currently offline.

Don’t worry, the building is still there!  And you’re welcome to visit.  But the twitterbot and spacephone both depend on the DSL connection, which has been down for a few days now.  It’s being worked on, they promise. In the meantime, the best way to find out if people are around is probably to join […]