Spring PotLock this Saturday. March 21st, noon – 6pm.

New here? What the heck is a potlock?

It’s an i3 tradition, “potluck” because folks bring food, and “lock-in” suggesting an all-night party. Although lately we’ve realized that all-afternoon works better. (Having an official tools-down, pat-each-other-on-the-back time is important.)

It’s also the best way for new members (and non-members) to get more involved and connected! Because a lot of members will be around at once, but NOT debating policy, it’s as socially useful as a meeting, but we actually get physical things done. Potlock is a perfect opportunity to work alongside a bunch of other members, learn where things are and where things go, take some ownership of your favorite zone, and make the space better for yourself and others.

What’s the task-list this time around?

Potlocks traditionally center around the ToDo list in the wiki: https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/ToDo

Being that this potlock is scheduled for the second day of spring this potlock will likely focus around the things we neglected to do over winter because it was cold out.

How can I help?

Show up and be your awesome self! Seriously, that’s it.

You could also sign up to bring some delicious food here: https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/Potlock_Menu_Planning

Want more details?

Members can find discussion on the private list here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/i3detroit/110N5jC0rUI/C02CFhOulqYJ
