Antenna Analyzer

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Antenna Analyzer
Name MFJ 269B Antenna Analyzer
Zone Electronics Lab

Owner Brad Tarratt
Make Model MFJ 269B
Part Number
Date Acquired
Storage Location In the plastic box next to the amateur radio station in the e-room.
Authorization Required No
Status Running
Value $300

Documentation Full documentation is included in the plastic box the unit is in. Or on our wiki. Dip coil accessories included in box documented here (and the mirrored copy).
Other References


This is the Antenna Analyzer in the e-room. In 2011 it exhibited some strange behavior when cold, but we haven't been able to reproduce this recently. We may replace a transistor in it at some point.


  • Read the manual before using
  • Do not remove from shop (parking lot okay)
  • Do not leave without charging if Vbatt drops below 13V. Vbatt is displayed on the LCD at boot, and a charging cable is included in the box.
  • Do not power on with UHF button depressed. Press UHF button AFTER power up. If you are surprised by this, you didn't read the manual. Please do that.


If you get strange results, try letting the unit warm up a bit. Also, let me know, I'll reprioritize replacing the transistor. Also, as mentioned, read the manual and charge to a Vbatt of 13V when done please.

Maintenance Info



Antenna Analyzer Brad Tarratt Zone: Electronics Lab "/>