Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20240806

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Minutes for 2024-08-06

Meeting Location

Meeting was Called to Order At: 19:30 by Matt A

https://i3detroit.org/hangout and at i3Detroit

Hybrid Meeting Etiquette

  • Be excellent.
  • Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
  • Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
  • If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
  • If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
  • Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.
  • If you're in the space remember that having a single person speaking at a time is helpful for those attending online.


What does being excellent at i3 mean

  • An experienced member explains what being excellent at i3 means to them
    • Paul A - Respecting the space and others who come here. We come to learn build and hang out. Sharing knowledge, networking. Helpful.

Keeping things clean and improved.

  • Space build.

Experienced Members

  • Nate B - Member forever. eLab coordinator / construction manager. Proud to share all parts of the space. Everything under one roof is huge. Take advantage of that.
  • Jams O'Dell - Python group, circuit python. LED Lights Robot

New Members & Guests

  • Ben - Wanted to use the laser. Laundry list of random projects. electronics, wood working. Happy to enjoy the space and tools.
  • Michelle G - 3 Months working on a sculpture in welding zone. Wood shop project also started.
  • Suneet - 1 Month - Engineer by trade. Looking for a place to tinker.
  • Richard W - Almost 1 week. Electronics, welding. Many projects to work on.

Show and Tell

  • David H - 3D Printed Milwaukee M18 to DC/DC PowerPole and USB-C PD Adapters

Old Business

  • n/a

Outstanding Action Items

New Business


  • No proposal was made to remove the board of directors.

Upcoming Events

  • Volunteers to host upcoming Friday tours?
  • Up coming Events Calendar
    • Python meetup Saturday
    • Leather lounge Friday
    • 23rd - Still Life Art
    • Follow up meeting to the follow up meeting - Discussion about how i3 works and how we can make it better.
    • Rules n' Stuff
    • Halloween Decorations workshop - Glowing ghosts. - 3D printed organs in jars. Beating hearts. #halloween on slack.

Remove COVID Rules

Remove the Covid-19 rules section from the standing rules, and off the front page
We aren't following this and the local authorities no longer require this kind of thing from us
Moved by Mara, Seconded by Brian
Author: mtfurlan
22 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Parking Permit split into zone and large project

Right now we have

  • Parking Ticket
  • Long-Term Parking Permit
    • valid in large project storage
    • valid in zone if signed by zone coordinator
  • Short-Term Parking Permit
    • valid in large project storage

The zone vs large project confuses people

I propose we have

  • Ticket
  • Long-term large project parking permit
  • short-term large project parking permit
    • do we include commons?
  • Zone parking permit

This wouldn't be a rules change, just a rewording of the forms to hopefully make the current process more clear

  • Short, Long, Zone
  • Need to have more spaces for short term storage.
  • What if some zones want to allow for short term storage in their zone.
  • Have forms in a zone if it's for that zone would help.
    • A lack of forms in a zone would necessarily apply.
    • Public digital discussion works
    • Using slack to manage borrowing works well.
    • Use a slack channel for all permits.
    • currently they need to go to the mailing list, which is the rule part of the time.
  • If we have a process, anyone with interest should insure and set an example by following the process.
  • Make the instructions as clear as possible.
  • Should we label large project storage. YES!!! Please do.
  • Better training and signage on the process.

Nominations for Board of Directors

  • Announced in the list and in slack.
    • Lew - Vote for Lew!
  • Thanks to Paul A for helping out.

Zone updates

Automotive Zone

  • n/a

Bicycle Shop

  • n/a

Ceramics Zone

  • n/a


  • Lack of AC has made the classroom quite warm.
    • Front area AC electronics are replaced and functioning. Needs a leek and new refrigerant.
    • Added metal tape to vent areas to try and help.
    • There are a number of vent fans on B-side tree house.

CNC Zone

  • n/a

Commons Area

  • n/a

Craft Room

  • n/a

Electronics Lab

  • Has some shielding material for the RF shield in the new elab.
    • AC help needed.

Fab Lab

  • n/a

Glass Zone

  • n/a


  • n/a

Injection Molding

  • n/a

Jewelry Zone

  • n/a

Kitchen Zone

  • n/a

Laser Zone

  • Let us know if you want help on a project.

Leather Zone

  • n/a

Machine Shop

  • n/a

Media Lab

  • n/a

Sewing Zone

  • If not covered under expansion report, we have the wood to cap off the top of the room, all the ceiling parts are here for the drop ceiling and initial work on that has begun.

It will become priority soon to run the conduit so the room has power, and to install the mini splits. We'll be ordering the trim soon for the door frame, window trim and the trim that will be supporting the base of the slatwall. Then the slatwall can be installed, and it will get a clear coat at that time. Some of the reclaimed wood will probably be used to make desks. There is no update on the attempt to sell it externally, other than no takers. So instead of selling it and not using it, we'll try to put it to good use by making desk surfaces for some of the machines. In the meantime, the old craft room space is still open for embroidery use and training, and some of the machines in the B side room ARE available for training and use at this time. The cutting table in the classroom works and is available for training by request and for use -- just confirm availability of the classroom, first.

Tool Crib

  • A reminder to put tools back. Tool crib tools are painted pink or have pink tape on them.
  • If something is broken, let us know so we can fix or replace.

Vinyl Zone

  • n/a

Welding Zone

  • n/a


  • n/a

Wood Shop

  • n/a



  • n/a


  • n/a


  • n/a


  • n/a

Combat Robotics

  • Event is just over a month away (September 14th) If anyone wants to help, I have a few small electronics projects that I could use a hand on.
    • Countdown timer
    • Button box
    • Design trophies
    • Need to add this to the i3 calendar.
    • Help day of the event is also welcome


  • n/a


Other Stuff

  • Lost and found. is in Commons by the office supplies.
  • Periodically post contents to the mailing list.
  • Make the location known.
  • Wiki page for lost and found box, so we know where it is and what it looks like!
  • Go though the lost and found at every member meeting.
  • Wiki Wednesday is tomorrow!
  • There is space on the shelf by the door on A side. Should we move it there?

Other Stuff about Tours

  • We have a lack of tour givers.
    • Find out who wants to do it at member meetings.
    • Feels more like you're joining a group of people.
    • Meetings are now only once a month.
    • Friday is probably more popular than Tuesday.
    • Do we really want dirty laundry as a first impression? Yes, because it's reality, why hide it?
    • There will be differences. Don't let the 99% of the good get lost with the 1&% bad
    • Tours and meetings server different purposes. They don't overlap.
    • Is the conduct of the affairs not part of the space.
    • seeing what goes on is very useful for guests to see what we're really about and how we solve problems.
    • people have a short attention span. We may be social, but many of us came here to make things. It can also be overwhelming.
    • should we offer tours after the member meetings? We did this in the past.
    • You want to go on a few dates before meeting the in-laws. :)
    • Ofen during Friday tours there are ongoing projects, and it's good to see stuff being made.
    • There were many questions on the phase 1 on-boarding that were removed with COVID. Should some of those return?
    • Have the 2nd Tuesday meeting on a Friday and both are covered.
    • Schedule more events on Friday during tour time.
    • It's hard to do both at the same time if you're in an event, then you're not giving tours.
    • Low commitment tours are very helpful initially. A more in depth discussion later for those interested in joining.
    • Some events do take away from tours, others do not. Quick events like using the vinyl cutter would work well in conjunction with tours. Are there other activities that this would work with.
    • First introductions are better if there is building things rather than discussions. It's a show. Member meetings are boring.
    • Makerspace in Georgia had a Friday night tour. There was a member run music event along with the tour.
    • The making is the best part!
    • DIY Musical instrument jam session.

More microwaves need more power. discuss in infrastructure.


Broom Party!

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Remove the Covid-19 rules section from the standing rules, and off the front pageMaraBrian220PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 20:39
  • Attendees: 15


  1. Jan Henry
  2. David Henry
  3. Matt Arnold
  4. Dan Williams
  5. Thomas
  6. Hans Chen
  7. Richard Weeden
  8. Nate B
  9. James O'Dell
  10. Alex Williams
  11. Frank A
  12. Paul Lee
  13. Lew Dennison
  14. Steve N
  15. Brian B

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